How Can Art and Creativity Enhance Wellbeing and Performance during a Pandemic?

How Can Art and Creativity Enhance Wellbeing and Performance during a Pandemic?

Art and the activity of creating art for art’s sake (the process of creating something new) can help enhance wellbeing tenfold and it doesn’t have to be perforrmed often in order to experience its benefits. Scroll through Pinterest and you will find many video tutorials on how to paint in watercolor, write poetry, crochet, embroider, knit, landscape your backyard, etc. Even something as simple as colouring in a colouring book, can activate a separate region in your brain that is not attached to high-stress, information-processing, or fight-or-flight reactions.

Some benefits include:

  • better memory retention and expression

  • be more aware and in-tuned with your state of your body and feelings

  • mental alertness and brightening of the mind

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A Gentle Reminder (We're all in this together!)

A Gentle Reminder (We're all in this together!)

Hi Future Self.

When you read this, hopefully, much time has passed and you will have realized what a learning curve you have overcome during the past days (weeks, months) that have lapsed. You have actually realized what slowing down and its challenges can present for you. You have learned to confront many of your own shadows, mental breakdowns, and habits that come back to haunt you. You have been offered time to rest, reflect, connect (with yourself), and above all, admit that it’s okay to not feel okay. But actually, you are fine. You’ve been in dark places before, and you’ve been able to leap over these periods of Unknown with boundless faith and forgiveness.

So, if you are still reading this, you may be looking for some inspiration or personal reference for new things to jump into, skills to embark on, or books to embrace inner positivity and wisdom.

Here we go!

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